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Staro 13-11-2006, 07:45
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Uobičajeno General thread

I would really like more people from the US, Canada, Australia and other English-speaking countries who play tambura and like tambura music, but don't speak (write) Croatian very well to join this forum and its discussions. I am well aware of the fact that there already exists a forum and a website that's meant for all this. I'm a proud member of tamburaland's forum and have a small role in helping Vjeko with that site and don't want to create some kind of a rivalry, I just want to unite all tamburasi and tambura music lovers. I hope that you'll understand that. I've noticed that the discussions on T'land have grown stale and here we have quite a number of interesting threads and discussions. It would be interesting what people in other countries think about that.

If there's any interest in all this, I think that we can create some kind of an English subforum where we could exchange opinions. I'm sure a lot of Croatian members of this forum are proficient in English and would gladly join these discussions.
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 09:43
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saky saky je odsutan trenutno
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Mislim da je to bezveze, imaju oni svoj forum na tamburalandu na kojem se prica o svemu, samo o tamburi zelim da se to desi i ovdje, a mislim da bi se tako razvijala situacija da krenes sa engleskim podforumom..
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Staro 13-11-2006, 10:15
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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I am very well aware of that fact, but jebiga Sad ozbiljno, činjenica je da tamburaland forum nažalost nema previše veze s tamburom, ali bilo je tamo zanimljivih diskusija i vjerujem da tamo ima tamburaša koji bi rado diskutirali o tamburi i stvarima vezano za tamburu, a i reci mi zar ne bi bilo zgodno da recimo Peter Kosovec dođe i na ovaj forum pa da možemo malo s njime prodiskutirati...? Treba vidjet ak ima interesa...
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 10:58
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saky saky je odsutan trenutno
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Bilo je zanimljivih diskusija, prije 2 godine..sad se to pretvorilo u mjesto za cestitanje rodjendana, viceva, komentara utakmica americkog nogometa i tko zna cega jos..meni je jasno da americki hrvati moraju imati mjesto gdje ce komunicirati medjusobno i iznositi probleme zajednice, ali ne vidim kakve veze tambura ima s tim..i naravno da bi bilo zanimljivo da dodje Peter, ima jos puno zanimljivih ljudi tamo(Vjeko, Morovic...), ali mislim i dalje da ne treba previse reklamirati ovaj site tamo i da treba ljude neke drzati na distanci bas zbog toga da se ne bi ovaj forum pretvorio u onaj..toliko od mene..
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Staro 13-11-2006, 13:11
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Dobro zboriš saky i razumijem tvoj stav, ali mislim da nema realne bojazni da će nam sad tu nahrupiti Ameri sa svojim internim spikama, ako netko slučajno i dođe bit će to netko tko je "genuinely" zainteresiran za tamburu i tamburanje. Kao primjerice naš australsko-hrvatski kolega aussie_tamburas... Ja bi svim tim ljudima tamo dao "benefit of the doubt" i vjerujem da ih ima koji stvarno vole tamburati i zabavljati se uz tambure i otvorio bih im vrata ovog foruma. Naravno, zadnju riječ ima gazda dkranjce. Iako kad vidim kako je mrtvo na T'landu sumnjam da će se nešto s time dogoditi... Htio bih kada bi se SRVT malo uključio u ovaj forum, on je primaš Sanjara iz Kanade, zna hrvatski i mogao bi nam dati odličan "insight" o stanju tamburaštva u Kanadi. Bum ga probal nagovoriti...

Aussie, mogao bi se i ti malo više uključiti i podijeliti svoja australska iskustva s tamburanjem, sigurno bi mnoge to jako zanimalo, znam da je meni bilo jako zanimljivo dopisivati se s tobom o tome....
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 14:02
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saky saky je odsutan trenutno
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Ma nemoj me krivo shvatiti, naravno da je ok ako se ukljuce tamburasi iz Amerike , Kanade i Australije, na kraju krajeva tko im moze zabraniti Ionako ljudi iz tih krajeva koji imaju sta pametno za reci govore hrvatski..ja sam govorio o netamburasima i netamburasicama koji uz to sto ne pricaju hrvatski zatrpavaju forum glupostima kojima tamo nije mjesto..
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Staro 13-11-2006, 15:41
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Ne shvaćam te ja krivo, al' me već ozbiljno brine kak' mene dosta ljudi ovdje krivo shvaća...

Nego saky, kaj ćemo s brojnim English-speaking članovima koji su sad nahrupili na ovaj forum i ovu temu otkad sam je započeo....?
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 16:37
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Djuroslav Djuroslav je odsutan trenutno
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Hey, I thought this was supposed to be the 'ENGLISH' discussion area?! What's up Saky & Hrvoje?
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Staro 13-11-2006, 16:43
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Hi, Djuroslav! I wish you a warm welcome to forum! I totally gave up that someone "preko bare" is going to join this forum. So saky and I started discussing this whole idea of mine... There's a lot of really interesting discussions going on this forum, but it's a shame that it is a prerequisite to understand Croatian well to join in.

If it's not to big of a hassle, would you care to briefly introduce yourself?
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 17:08
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Djuroslav Djuroslav je odsutan trenutno
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Thank you for the welcome, Hrvoje!

Well, first of all, I am from the United States. I live in the Detroit, Michigan area, and play bugarija with the Detroit Tamburitza Orchestra. The D.T.O. is an organization whose mission is to preserve the tradition of tambura playing. We currently have approximately 20 members (1st, 2nd, and 3rd brac players; 1st & 2nd prims, celo, bass & bugaria), and generally play compositions written for 'large' tambura orchestras. We LOVE what we do, and get together every Wednesday evening for a two-hour rehearsal during the season. Our 'season' runs from early September, until mid-May. We take the summers off, and then get together again when the weather starts to cool.

In the past, I have personally played semi-professionally with Croatian, Serbian, Romanian, and Macedonian combos so I consider myself well-versed in the many styles of music from Eastern Europe.

I have a lot more to say, but I would like to hear from my tambura friends outside of the United States.

Thanks again for attempting to have an 'English' forum on your site. I'm sure that many of us from the U.S. who are not too proficient at speaking & reading Croatian would GREATLY appreciate it, and thus begin to take part in future discussions.

By the way, how do I get my own, 'custom' avatar on your site?


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Staro 13-11-2006, 17:26
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Djuroslav, you're our member No 99, one more to go and our membership will go triple digit! As far as I know our members are from three continents - Europe (of course), North America (you, joeleno) and Australia (aussie_tamburas). I always wondered about the tambura scene in South America - I know there's a lot of Croatians in Argentina, Chile and I once met a guy on ICQ from Chile who plays tambura in a local folklore group. It would be really nice if we can find some info about that also. And what about South Africa? Some Croatians there, too, if I'm not mistaken. I guess the only continent where tambura isn't played would be Asia (but who knows, Lado had a tour in Japan, maybe the Japanese started playing tamburas ).

Among the discussions we're having here is one about tambura builders. Does your orchestra have European or US-made tamburas? According to your profile picture it sure looks European, but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm glad you like this idea and I hope that more people will join these English discussions. I know that people are shy if their English / Croatian is not very good, but I hope that members of this forum will overcome that irrational fear of making a mistake and then being ridiculed or something. We all make mistakes, the most important thing is that we put our message (idea) through - either in broken English or broken Croatian...

About custom avatars... Er... I think there's kinda of a problem with that. I'm under the impression that only administrators and moderators can have them at the moment, I'll ask our administrator Svita to have a look into it and maybe come to a solution or a definite answer what's up with that...
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 17:54
Rudyk Rudyk je odsutan trenutno
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Stravo moj prijatel.

Glad to join the forum. I only speak a little Croatian...I was glad to see you might start this English forum. I am from Buffalo, New York...20 minutes from Niagara Falls. I have been playing brac since 1970 and e-prim since 2000. I also play berda when needed. My brother main instrument is bugaria, but he plays bass, cello, as some prim also. We have played in bands togther most of the years. We currently play in the band Adriatic Braca (Braca Adriatica - in Croation ja mislim). This current band has played at the last 6 TAA Extravaganza's in the USA.

We have relatives in Zagreb. My cousin has visited us. And my dad and uncle have been there. I would like to come and go to one of the festivals....Pozega mosda.

I look forward to hearing what my Croation tambura friends have to say or ask.

Do vidjenja. (pardon the spelling).
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Staro 13-11-2006, 18:36
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Uobičajeno No 100!

Hey, Rudyk! Welcome aboard, you're our 100th member! Congrats!

I hope we can all get this English thread started.... I want to ask you the same question I asked Djuroslav... What tamburas you and your guys have?
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 13-11-2006, 20:11
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Djuroslav Djuroslav je odsutan trenutno
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Talking 'American' Tamburas

Brat Hrvoje,

The members of the Detroit Tamburitza Orchestra own & play a variety of both American, and European tambure. I myself, play a Dusko Rajkovic E-bugarija with a signature 'violin shaped' back. I had majstor Rajkovic craft my instrument about three years ago, and then ship it to me here in the United States. Its finish is exquisite, and its sound is superb for a 'new' instrument. So you were certainly correct to assume that the kontra that I am holding on my profile picture 'looks European'.

On the American web-site www.tamburaland, we are ALL allowed to have our own custom avatars. I hope that your site will eventually allow that as well.

I welcome any other questions that you, or anyone else may have about us 'Americans' playing, and loving tambura music! I'm looking forward to hearing from you all.

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Staro 13-11-2006, 20:56
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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I figured it was a Rajkovic, but I didn't want to go ahead of myself and wanted you to confirm that yourself.

I PMed the founder and administrator of this site, dkranjce, about custom avatars and I believe something will be done to allow that to all members.

You mentioned that your orchestra plays compositions written for large tambura orchestras. Would you mention some? We recently received a CD of MŠTO and I like their repertoire it's got different compositions and songs like the Pink Panther theme, Moon river, Summertime, Gajdasko kolo, some Macedonian oro etc. Do you also play a varied repertoire?
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”

Last edited by Hrvoje; 13-11-2006 at 21:00.
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Staro 13-11-2006, 23:19
Tominellay Tominellay je odsutan trenutno
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Hi, all of you!

I am looking for the orchestral score of "Tri Ruze", by Julije Njikos...and I would appreciate any help in obtaining it!

We have a large tamburica orchestra in Los Angeles, California, based at St. Anthony Croatian Catholic Church. Our orchestra was founded in 1960 by Mr. Josip Bachmann, who was from Osijek...Mr. Bachmann was an original member of K.U.D. Pajo Kolaric in the early 1950s; he played celo with other Osijecani like Jasa Lakatos and Robert Telak before emigrating to the U.S.A. about fifty years ago...
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Staro 14-11-2006, 06:04
imp imp je odsutan trenutno
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Hi Hrvoje and friends,

I am a tamburas from San Diego, CA. I'm originally from San Francisco, CA and have been playing tambura for the past 37 years. My family roots originate from the Peljesac peninsula and I am a proud Dalmatinac but I think my heart lies in Slavonija.

There isn't a lot of tambura interest in the San Diego area but I do manage to keep abreast of tambura activity in the USA and Croatia, and I keep my tambure tuned and used despite few opportunities to play with a group.

I have been playing European-style tambure for the past 20 years. I currently play a very old and fine A-basprim made by Duro Zaric from Vinkovci. I also have an A-basprim and an E-prim made by Ivan Djuretic from Velika Gorica, and a very fine Euorpean-style celo made by the late Ivan Ovanin from Los Angeles, CA (who I believe was orginally from Sisak).

I regret that my knowledge of Croatain is limited but I look forward to seeing this English forum expanded with inputs from English-speaking Croatians as yourself.

For Tominellay: I don't have a complete score for "Tri Ruze" but, the melody line, chords and lyrics can be found in the book "Tambura u Hrvata" by Prof. Siniša Leopold on page 175. If you don't have the book I'd be happy to scan and send you a copy. Just ley me know.

Warm regards and best wishes to all.

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Staro 14-11-2006, 08:00
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Hiya imp and Tominellay and welcome to this forum and its growing English-speaking community. I'm really glad that you're all interested in participating in tambura-related discussions. I also hope that Croatian members will also join in and that we'll have some interesting topics to discuss.

Tominellay, interesting that you mentioned Julije Njikos since my orchestra had the honor to have him personally present the golden plaque we won at the festival in Osijek (state competition) and he made a speech about our orchestra and tambura history. It was really a great privilege to sit there on the stage and listen to that great composer speak about us and our playing. It really made me feel proud.

I didn't have the opportunity to hear or listen to that composition "Tri ruze".

Our orchestra also had quite a number of Djuretic tamburas, but now we have all kinds of tamburas (and "stims" G, D, A, E)...

I have a question for you American tamburasi about American-made tamburas, they're different from European-made ones... Do you know why? I never played an American tambura, but I can tell it's American when I see one... All the decorations, butterflies and stuff. It's kinda too tacky and kitsch for me, but hey, if someone likes that it's cool. I guess that tambura making and decorating took a different path in America when compared to tambura making in Europe (Croatia, Vojvodina).
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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Staro 14-11-2006, 17:51
Rudyk Rudyk je odsutan trenutno
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The Valentic Brothers (Charles and Frank) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvainia have been making tamburas for years. I play a 1980 Charles Valentich G brac, my brother plays 2 different Charles Valentic D-bugarias and has Blozen bugaria. I also play 2 Lado Krklec prims...he is originally from the homeland...but now lives in New York City. I play one as an e-prim and one as a d-prim.

I have a question. How many tambura bands (of quality enough to play in the festivals) are there over there now ? Do more bands start up every it becoming more and more popular or stays about the same ?
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Staro 15-11-2006, 12:34
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Hrvoje Hrvoje je odsutan trenutno
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Rudyk, funny that you mentioned the Valentich brothers 'cause I remembered that before Tamburaland there was a website TamburaWeb that also had a discussion forum and I think that site was run by a certain John Valentich. Do you guys know something more about John Valentich and why did TamburaWeb disappear...? It was the first US tambura site I found on the web and it opened a whole new world to me. I was young and ignorant then and thought that tambura is only played in ex-YU.

And now about your question... It's impossible to give a correct and precise answer to your question. I'm under the impression that things for tambura music in Croatia are generally improving, new bands are formed and the quality of playing is improving. To tell you how many bands are here, that's really hard to tell. Practically every KUD has a group of tamburasi that are not neccessarily a band on it's own but usually play from good to excellent.

I remember that there was a time a few years ago when things and prospects looked very grim, but I really have an impression that things are looking up (altough I'm usually more of a pessimist than an optimist ).

The main problem, in my opinion, is that tambura music itself isn't evolving... Ok, I understand that it's traditional, folk music, but only a few bands mix different styles and influences with their tambura music - NHT, Gazde, Slavonske Lole (I don't know if you had the opportunity to hear their "Sve je ona meni" version performed by the mariachi band "El Combo" that's recorded on their new album "Ledina").

The other problem is that tambura is pretty absent from the media, but things are also slowly improving there. For instance, there is a TV show "Svirci moji" which is dedicated to tambura music. Its host is Tamburaski orkestar HRT-a and maestro Sinisa Leopold and sometimes the orchestra plays orchestral pieces or accompany guest singers, tambura bands, klapas appear. I didn't have the opportunity to watch it a lot (only once), but it's a nice show and a nice way of promoting tambura.

Can you tell me more about the general situation of tambura in the US?

DISCLAIMER: Everything I wrote above is my opinion, if somebody else disagrees, please join this discussion... At least saky, c'mon man... You were bitchin' 'bout tamburaland's forum turning into a "greetings forum" and now that we have American tamburasi interested in tambura music in Croatia on this forum you're not writing anything...
“Uz pjesmu mi se, evo, rodimo, uz pjesmu umiremo...”
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